Black Girls Magazine wants you to enjoy visiting and writing to us. But we are also concerned about your privacy and safety online and when you submit your work to us. For this reason, please share the following message with your parents. Get your parent’s permission before emailing us or sending us any personal information.
The editor, BGM
We are very committed to protecting your child’s privacy and providing a safe online experience, as well as the privacy and safety of your child’s personal information in our magazine. Please monitor your child’s activities online and instruct them never to provide personal information on this or any other site without your permission. For articles and work sent by mail, please be sure to approve all personal information that may be included in the work before mailing. We want to ensure that the girls who contribute to the magazine do so with full parental knowledge and consent.
Work submitted online is sent to:
About Us
Black Girls Magazine (BGM) is a unique magazine created, illustrated and designed by “black girls for all girls”. Black Girls Magazine is published twice a year as a print magazine for ages 8 and up. We also have a web site, where subscriptions and copies of the magazine can be purchased.
We offer opportunities for other black girls to write and contribute stories, art work, and anything of interest they would like to see or read about in BGM. We make sure that the girls who contribute to the magazine do so with full parental knowledge and consent. In order to lessen the use of personal identifiable information, we only use the children’s first names in the magazine, and some writers choose to use pseudo names as well. Our girl artist also creates cartoon caricatures of the writers for this purpose. We do not use children’s photos without parental approval.
What Information Do We Collect From Your Child Online and for the print magazine & How Do We Use It?
Online information collected is limited to an email address (the parent’s and the child’s) and first name of the child. Parent’s names are also collected for purposes of contacting or notifying them regarding their children’s contributions. Email addresses submitted to BGM are strictly used for purposes of contacting the contributor and parent regarding submissions to the magazine, like edits of their work from the BGM editor. Other personal information include the age of the child, a baby picture for the contributor’s profile, and any other photo that corresponds to an event or story of the contributor or writer. In order to contribute to the magazine, therefore, a parent’s or guardian’s email address must be submitted for the sole purpose of keeping the parent informed of the child’s work.
What Information Does BGM Collect From Adults Who Purchase a Subscription Online and How Is It Used?
Customers must be over age 18 and must use a valid credit card or pay through PayPal to purchase subscriptions on line and individual copies of the magazine. When a customer places an order, we collect information needed to complete the transaction, such as the customer’s name, email address, mailing address, and shipping address. Black Girls Magazine will never share your e-mail address with companies.
As we continue to offer new services and different types of content, we may modify our Privacy Policy from time to time. If we change our Privacy Policy, we will notify you by posting any changes on our website.
We hope this Privacy Policy answers any questions you might have about how we collect and use information your child may send us online or by mail. If you have any questions, please contact us at: