Get inspired. Write for BGM Kids.
Dear reader & writer,
We all have stories to tell, and there is a kid out there who will be inspired by your story, a review of a book you read or movie you watched, or your artwork! Perhaps you’ll put a smile on someone’s face as they try to figure out your puzzle, do a trivia you created, or follow the steps to creating a recipe you shared. Wait… you don’t believe me? Okay, I’ll give you proof. Look at an email I received from a teacher who shared a copy of Black Girl’s Magazine with his students:
I am a teacher in Ajax, Ontario and I wanted to share how much our students love your magazine!
I thought I’d share a conversation I had with a group today. I asked them what they thought was cool about the tutorial on nail painting. Reanna smiled and shared, “The hands look like mine”. Nice!
So? What do you think? I mean, how many magazines have you flipped through and seen cute little brown and black hands illustrating how to paint your nails? Okay, I know not everyone is allowed to paint their nails. But let’s say you are one of those whose parents are okay with painting your nails once in a while. Oh… okay. More proof? Again? I have pictures from the magazine you know. See?